2012年10月毕业于丹麦技术大学光子工程系,获工学博士学位。同年进入华南师范大学先进光子学研究院从事科研与教学工作。刘进博士长期从事固态量子光学和光机械学方面的研究工作,有着丰富的国际合作研究经验。迄今为止在领域国际权威期刊Nature Physics, Optics Letters,Applied Physics Letters,等发表10余篇文章。
[1] J. Liu, Q.-F. Dai, X.-G. Huang, L.-J. Wu, Q. Guo, S. Lan, A. V. Gopal and V. A. Trofimov, “Dynamics of optical matter creation and annihilation in colloidal liquids controlled by laser trapping power,” Opt. Lett. 33, 2617 (2008).
[2] J. Liu, Q.-F. Dai, Z.-M. Meng, X.-G. Huang, L.-J. Wu, Q. Guo, S. Lan, A. V. Gopal and V. A. Trofimov, “All-optical switching using controlled formation of large volume three-dimensional optical matter,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 233108 (2008).
[3] J. Liu. Q.-F. Dai, T, -H Feng, H.-Y. Liu, L.-J. Wu, Q. Guo, W. Hu, S.-H. Liu, S. Lan, A. V. Gopal and V. A. Trofimov, “Manipulation of microparticles in colloidal liquids by Z-scan-based optical trapping,” J. Appl. Phys. 104, 114306 (2008).
[4] J. Liu, Q.-F. Dai, S. Lan, A. V. Gopal and V. A. Trofimov, “Optical switching based on the manipulation of microparticles in a colloidal liquid using strong scattering force,” Chinese Phys. B 19 124209 (2010).
[5] J. Liu, K. Usami, A. Naesby, T. Bagci, E. S. Polzik, P. Lodahl, and S. Stobbe, "High-Q optomechanical GaAs nanomembranes," Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 243102 (2011).
[6] J. Liu, S. Ek, T. Suhr, M. Schubert, P. D. Garcia, H. Thyrrestrup, S. Stobbe, J. Moerk, and P. Lodahl, "Radom lasing with Anderson localized modes in photonic crystal waveguides," (In preparation).
[7] J. Liu, S. Ates, S. Stobbe, M. Lorke and P. Lodahl, "Few-quantum-dot lasing in photonic crystal nanocavities," (In preparation).
[8] K. Usami, A. Naesby, T. Bagci, B. M. Nielsen, J. Liu, S. Stobbe, P. Lodahl, and E. S. Polzik, "Optical cavity cooling of mechanical modes of a semiconductor nanomembrane," Nature Physics 8, 168 (2012).
[9] H.-D. Deng, J. Liu, W.-R. Zhao, W. Zhang, X.-S. Lin, T. Sun, Q.-F. Dai, L.-J. Wu, S. Lan and A. V. Gopal, “Enhancement of switching speed by laser-induced clustering of nanoparticles in magnetic fluids,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 233103 (2008).
[10] Q.-F. Dai, H.-Y. Liu, J. Liu, L.-J. Wu, Q. Guo, W. Hu, X.-B. Yang, S.-H. Liu, S. Lan, A. V. Gopal and V. A. Trofimov, “Influence of trapping power and scanning speed on the quality of ordered structures formed in Z-scan-based optical trapping,” Europhys. Lett. 85 18004 (2009).
[11] Q.-F. Dai, H.-Y. Liu, J. Liu, L.-J. Wu, Q. Guo, W. Hu, X.-B. Yang, S.-H. Liu, S. Lan, A. V. Gopal and V. A. Trofimov, “Self-induced transparency in colloidal liquids by Z-scan-based optical trapping,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 153111 (2008).
[12] Q.-F. Dai, H.-D. Deng, W.-R. Zhao, J. Liu, L.-J. Wu, S. Lan and A. V. Gopal, 2010. "All-optical switching mediated by magnetic nanoparticle," Opt. Lett. 35, 97 (2010).
[13] L.-D. Jiang, Q.-F. Dai, T, -H, Feng, J. Liu, L.-J. Wu, S. Lan, A. V. Gopal and V. A. Trofimov, “In-situ characterization of three-dimensional optical matters by light diffraction,” Chinese Phys. Lett. 26 074201 (2009).