
2013-03-14 16:30:47   来源:    点击:

  周斌,男,博士,讲师,“香江学者计划”入选者。2006年7月获得浙江大学物理学学士学位,2011年7月获得浙江大学物理学光学专业博士学位。期间赴香港 中文大学电子工程系访问,担任助理研究员。2012年10月起担任华南师范大学先进光电子研究院光及电磁波研究中心教师。2014年9月获香江学者计划。
  光学传感,光纤器件和非线性光学, 主要包括:
  (1)光纤布里渊效应和受激布里渊慢光效应研究,基于光纤布里渊和光纤拉曼效应的分布式传感技术 (Investigation of the fiber Brillouin effect and the stimulated Brillouin scattering based slow light effect. Design; Fiber Brillouin and Raman effect based distributed sensing technology).
  (2)光纤光栅器件,光子晶体光纤器件的研究(Investigation of the fiber grating devices and PCF based devices).       
  (3)光学轨道角动量复用技术的研究(Investigation of the orbital momentum multiplexing technology of light).
  1. Bin Zhou, Zhuo Chen, Yebin Zhang, Shaorui Gao, Sailing He, “Active Fiber Gas Sensor for Methane Detecting Based on a Laser Heated Fiber Bragg Grating”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,Vol. 26, No. 11,pp. 1069,2014.
  2. Guojing Huang, Bin Zhou*, Zhuo Chen, Henghe Jiang, Xiaobo Xing, “Magnetic-Field Sensor Utilizing the Magnetic Fluid and Thin-Core Fiber Modal Interferometer”, IEEE Sensors Journal,accepted,2014.
  3. Liang Wang, Bin Zhou*, Chester Shu, Sailing He, “Distributed Temperature Sensing Using Stimulated-Brillouin-Scattering-Based Slow Light”, IEEE Photonics Journal,Vol. 5, No. 6,pp. 6801808,2013.
  4. Bin Zhou, Chunsheng Yan, Zuguang Guan, and Sailing He, “Low Coherent Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry Interrogates Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors”, (IEEE/OSA) Journal of Lightwave Technology, VOL. 28, No. 21, pp. 3049-3054, Nov. 2010.
  5. Bin Zhou, A. Ping Zhang, Sailing He, Bobo Gu, “Cladding-Mode-Recoupling-Based Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor With a Core-Diameter-Mismatched Fiber Section” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol 2, No. 2, pp. 152-157, Apr. 2010.
  6. Bin Zhou, Zuguang Guan, Chunsheng Yan, and Sailing He, “Interrogation technique for a fiber Bragg grating sensing array based on a Sagnac interferometer and an acousto-optic modulator”, Optics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 21 2485-2487, 2008.
  7. Zhou Bin, Liu Guorong, Guan Zugaung, Sailing He, “基于FBG的CH4浓度传感系统,” 光电子激光 Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 378-380, Mar. 2008
  8. Liang Wang, Bin Zhou, Chester Shu, and Sailing He, “Stimulated Brillouin scattering slow-light-based fiber-optic temperature sensor”, Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 427-429, Feb. 2011.
  9. Zu-Guang Guan, Bin Zhou, Guorong Liu, and Sailing He, “Quasi-Distributed Absorption Sensing System Based on a Coherent Multiplexing Technique”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 792-794, MAY, 2007.
  10. Jing-Jing Zhu, A. Ping Zhang, Bin Zhou, Feng Tu, Jiang-Tao Guo, Wei-Jun Tong, Sailing He and Wei Xue, “Effects of doping concentrations on the regeneration of Bragg gratings in hydrogen loaded optical fibers”, Optics Communications, Vol. 284, No. 12, pp. 2808–2811, Jun. 2011
  11. Bin Zhou, Zuguang Guan, “Methane concentration monitoring system based on a pair of FBGs,” 2007 Asia Optical Fiber Communication and Optoelectronics Conference, Shanghai China, pp. 296-298, 2007.
  12. Tianhao Xia, Bin Zhou, Weisheng, Liu, Zuguang Guan, “A Coal Mine Security Monitoring System Based on Multiplexed Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors and Coherence-Multiplexing Technique”, 2008 Asia Optical Fiber Communication and Optoelectronics Conference, Shanghai China.
  13. Bin Zhou, Weisheng Liu, “A Novel Multiplexing Technique for a Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Array”, 2008 Asia Optical Fiber Communication and Optoelectronics Conference, Shanghai China.
  14. Bobo Gu, Bin Zhou, “A Novel Fiber Length Measurement Technology Based on an Asymmetric Interferomter Incorporating an Electron-Optic Modulator”, 2008 Asia Optical Fiber Communication and Optoelectronics Conference, Shanghai China.
  15. Zuguang Guan, Bin Zhou, Guorong Liu, Sailing He, “Coherence multiplexing of absorption sensors,”IEEE sensors conference 2007, Atlanta, US.
  1.  “适用于光子轨道角动量通信的光纤和光纤器件的研究”中国国家自然科学基金青年基金项目( No. 61307053),在研
  2.  “全光纤光子轨道角动量通信研究”, 博士后科学基金(No.2013M531866),在研
  1.  “基于新型光纤光栅复用技术的新型多参量传感网络”,中国国家自然科学基金( No.60707020),已结题
  2.  “一种新型光纤光栅复用技术”, 浙江省科技厅项目( No. 2007C21159),已结题
  1. 周斌, 何赛灵。一种光纤光栅和光纤拉曼复合传感网络及其实现方法。发明专利,专利号:ZL201010136108.5
  2. 周斌,管祖光,何赛灵。一种光纤光栅传感网络解调的方法和设备。发明专利,专利号:ZL 200810061489.8
  3. 周斌,陈卓,高少锐,何赛灵。一种利用光热光纤进行甲烷浓度传感的装置和方法。发明专利已受理,申请号:201310002985.7
  4. 周斌,陈卓,高少锐,何赛灵。一种利用光热光纤进行甲烷浓度传感的装置,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL201320005149.X
  5. 周斌, 何赛灵。基于受激布里渊慢光效应的分布式光纤传感器及传感方法,发明专利,申请号:201310513662.4
  6. 周斌,张阿平,何赛灵。一种高阶动态可调的色散补偿设备及色散补偿方法。发明专利,专利号:ZL 201010039655.1
  7. 何赛灵,周斌,李帅伟。种频域光纤光栅传感网络解调的方法和设备。发明专利,专利号:ZL 200810120021.1
  8. 何赛灵,周斌,管祖光,夏天豪。一种高精度大范围测量光纤长度的方法和设备。发明专利,专利号:ZL 200810120024.5
  9. 何赛灵,周斌,管祖光, 夏天豪。一种高精度大范围测量光纤长度的方法和设备。发明专利,专利号:ZL 200810120024.5
  10. 刘国荣,周斌,管祖光,何赛灵。基于光纤光栅的甲烷浓度传感的方法和设备,发明专利,专利号:ZL200610052880.2