
2014-03-20 11:48:17   来源:    点击:

  高进伟男,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。2010年4月毕业于华南理工大学(美国麻省理工学院博士联合培养2年),获博士学位;2010年4月至今,在华南师范大学工作;2010年4月聘任副教授。主要研究方向为新能源材料与器件,包括:高性能微纳米新材料和新结构的设计和制备;微纳米体系热和电传导以及能量转换的研究;基于分子尺度有机/高分子半导体材料的分子设计及其应用。在Nature communication、Advanced Materials、Nano Letters、Small等材料顶尖期刊发表论文40多篇,论文引用次数达900多次;授权/申请国际国内发明专利9项。


[1] B. Han, K. Pei, Y. Huang, X. Zhang, Q. Rong, Q. Lin, Y. Guo, T. Sun, C. Guo, D. Carnahan, J. Gao*, K. Kempa, Z. Ren,
Uniform Self‐Forming Metallic Network as a High‐Performance Transparent Conductive Electrode, Advanced Materials, (2013) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201302950. Featured on the Back cover of Advanced Materials.
[2] P. Sun, Y. Wu, J. Gao, G. Cheng, G. Chen, R. Zheng,
Room Temperature Electrical and Thermal Switching CNT/Hexadecane Composites, Advanced Materials, 25 (2013) 4938-4943.
[3] J. Gao, R. Zheng, H. Ohtani, D. Zhu, G. Chen,
Experimental investigation of heat conduction mechanisms in nanofluids. Clue on clustering, Nano Letters, 9 (2009) 4128-4132.
[4] R. Zheng, J. Gao, J. Wang, S.-P. Feng, H. Ohtani, J. Wang, G. Chen,
Thermal Percolation in Stable Graphite Suspensions, Nano Letters, 12 (2011) 188-192.
[5] R. Zheng, J. Gao, J. Wang, G. Chen,
Reversible temperature regulation of electrical and thermal conductivity using liquid–solid phase transitions, Nature Communicaitons, 2 (2011) 289. Featured on the home page of MIT.
[6] J. Gao*, K. Pei, T. Sun, Y. Wang, L. Zhang, W. Peng, Q. Lin, M. Giersig, K. Kempa, Z. Ren,
Transparent Nanowire Network Electrode for Textured Semiconductors, Small, 9(2012) 732-732. Featured on the Frontispiece of Small; interviewed by Guangdong Science and Technology magazine.
[7] C.F. Guo, T. Sun, Y. Wang, J. Gao, Q. Liu, K. Kempa, Z. Ren, Conductive Black Silicon Surface Made by Silver Nanonetwork Assisted Etching, Small, 9 (2013) 2415-2419.
[8] J. Wang, R. Zheng, J. Gao, G. Chen,
Heat conduction mechanisms in nanofluids and suspensions, Nano Today, 7(2012) 124-136.
[9] L. Zhang, K. Pei, M. Yu, Y. Huang, H. Zhao, M. Zeng, Y. Wang, J. Gao*,
Theoretical Investigations on Donor-acceptor Conjugated Copolymers Based on Naphtho [1, 2-c: 5, 6-c] bis [1, 2, 5] thiadiazole for Organic Solar Cell Applications, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(2012) 26154–26161.
[10] L. Zhang, K. Pei, H. Zhao, S. Wu, Y. Wang, J. Gao*,
Rational design of novel AADAA type electron donors for small molecule organic solar cells, Chemical Physics Letters, 543(2012) 195-204.
[11] L. Zhang, M. Yu, H. Zhao, Y. Wang, J. Gao*,
Theoretical investigations on the electronic and optical characteristics of fused-ring homopolymers: comparison of oligomer method and PBC− DFT method, Chemical Physics Letters, 570(2013) 153-158.
(1) 高进伟,黄苑林,韩兵,一种树叶状透明导电电极的制备方法,专利申请号:201310498640.5,专利申请时间,2013.10.22
(2) 高进伟,黄苑林,一种基于光刻掩膜法和液相法制备太阳能电池银线网络电极的方法,专利申请号:201310261756.7,专利申请时间:2013.7.2
(3) 高进伟,韩兵,裴颗,王洋,一种龟裂模板法制备纳米透明导电电极的方法,专利申请号:201310122824.1,专利申请时间:2013.4.10
(4) 高进伟,裴颗,王洋, 晶体硅太阳能纳米埋栅透明电极的制备方法,专利申请号:201210418842.X,专利申请时间:2012.10.26 (5)
(5) 郑瑞庭,高进伟,陈刚,包括石墨微流体的电导和/或热导悬浮液,专利公开号:CN102753664A,专利申请时间:2010.12.15
(6) 高进伟,裴颗,王洋,晶体硅太阳能电池透明电极的制备方法,专利公开号:CN102544223A,专利申请时间:2012.07.04
(7) Ruiting Zheng, Jinwei Gao(高进伟), Gang Chen,Thermal and/or electrical conductivity control in suspension, 专利申请号:12/720,382. 专利公布时间:2011年9月
(8) Ruiting Zheng, Jinwei Gao(高进伟), Gang Chen,Graphite microfluids, 专利申请号:12/638,135. 专利公布时间:2011年6月
(9) Ruiting Zheng, Jinwei Gao(高进伟), Gang Chen,Electrically and thermally conductivity suspension including graphite microfluids专利申请号:PCT/US2010060507. 专利公布时间:2011年8月

  1.美国机械工程协会(AMSE) 会员(2008- )
  2.美国材料协会(MRS) 会员(2008- )
  3.美国高效制冷剂-纳米流体协会(Nanofluids) 会员(2007- )
