
2020-03-02 17:36:24   来源:    点击:






Qiuqiang ZHAN

Ph.D, Professor in Optics

Principle Investigator (PI)

National Excellent Young Scholars

Distinguished Young Scholars of Guangdong

Hong Kong Scholars



詹求强,男,光学工程博士,教授/研究员,博士生导师,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者、广东省杰出青年科学基金获得者。先后毕业于山东大学和浙江大学,曾在瑞典隆德大学、香港中文大学访学。主要从事近红外光子上转换荧光成像等方面的研究。近年来在华南师大以第一/通讯作者在Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Laser & Photonics Reviews, Theranostics等国际学术期刊上发表文章40余篇,成果被国内外同行在NatureNature Methods等论文中引述和积极评价,多篇论文入选“ESI高被引论文。授权国家发明专利15项。主持国家自然科学基金项目(4项)、广东省卓越青年团队、广东省杰出青年科学基金、香江学者计划、广东省国际合作等科研项目。担任中国光学学会生物医学光子学专委青年副主任委员;担任中国生物医学工程学会生物医学光子学分会青年委员;担任广东省基础研究基金委员会第一届学科咨询专家组成员;担任广东省光电智能感知工程技术研究中心主任。荣获广东省光学科技一等奖、香江学者奖、高被引论文奖、广东生物物理学会青年创新奖、校科研工作先进个人奖等奖励荣誉。





近年在华南师大以第一/通讯作者在Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications (3), Laser & Photonics Review(3), ACS Nano (3), Nanoscale(4), Theranotics, Advanced Functional Materials, Small(3), Advanced Optical Materials(3), Biomaterials, Optics Letters, Optics Express(6)等国际权威学术期刊上发表文章40多篇,合作共发表论文60多篇SCI论文被引用总次数3000次,其中第一作者文章被引用540余次,研究成果被国外院士等同行在NatureNature Methods等论文中用“pioneering”, “the first”等词进行正面评价和引述,多篇论文入选“ESI全球前1% 高被引论文广东省光学科技一等奖、香江学者奖、广东省生物物理学会青年创新奖、高被引论文奖等荣誉。



荣获 2022年中国光学领域十大社会影响力事件、 广东省光学科技一等奖、“Hong Kong Scholars”奖 ,广东省生物物理学会青年创新奖珠江科技新星”, 浙江省高校优秀毕业生、高被引论文奖等奖励荣誉。

担任 广东省光电智能信息感知工程技术研究 中心主任

担任 教育部激光生命科学重点实验室 副主任

担任 中国光学学会生物医学光子学专委青年 副主任委员

担任 广东省基础研究基金委员会第一届学科咨询 专家组成员;

担任 中国生物医学工程学会生物医学光子学分会 青年委员;

担任 院学术委员会 副主任

担任 广东省生物物理学会 理事

担任 国际SCI学术期刊Frontiers in Photonics主题副主编(Biophotonics

担任 国际SCI学术期刊《Exploration》青年编委;

担任 中国激光杂志社《生物医学光子学》期刊青年编委;

担任 国际SCI学术期刊CCS Biophotonics编委;

担任 国际SCI学术期刊Frontiers in Physics客座编辑;

担任 国际SCI学术期刊Frontiers in Chemistry客座编辑;

担任 多个国际学术会议分会委员主席、程序委员等职务;

担任 国家自然科学基金委、广东省科技厅/基金委、欧洲国家科技项目函评专家、会评专家;


受邀担任Nature Communications, Optica, Advanced Science, Laser & Photonics Review, Nano Letters, Optics Letter, Nanoscale, ACS Photonics, Nanophotonics, Optics Express著名期刊审稿人。

受邀在Photonics Europe, Photonics Asia, LALS, ACP, AOM等国际、国内权威学术会议特邀报告邀请30次;有幸受同行邀请至澳洲国立大学、瑞典皇家工学院、意大利米兰理工、悉尼科大和北京大学、香港中文等高校进行学术交流和报告30次。


指导研究生获得国际学术会议Best Student Paper Award最佳学生论文奖”荣誉(多次)










1. 广东省卓越青年团队项目,主持人,2022-2026

2. 国家优秀青年科学基金项目,主持人,2021-2024;

3. 广东省杰出青年科学基金项目,主持人,2018.05-2022.04;

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人,2020.01-2023.12;

5. 华南师范大学四青人才重点培育项目(一等),主持人,2019.05-2022.04;

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人,2017.01-2020.12;

7. 广东省国际科技合作项目,主持人,2020.01-2021.12

8. 国家香江学者计划人才项目,主持人,2016.01-2017.12;

9. 广州市珠江科技新星创新人才项目,主持人,2017.05-2020.04;

10. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持人,2015.01-2017.12;

11. 广东省自然科学基金(面上项目),主持人,2015.01-2017.01;

12. 中国博士后科学基金面上(特别资助),主持人,2014. 07-2015.12;

13. 瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室开放课题(中科院西光所),主持人,2021.01-2022.12

14. 现代光学仪器国家重点实验室开放课题基金(浙江大学),主持人,2018.09-2020.08

15. 光电子器件与系统教育部重点实验室开放课题基金(深圳大学),主持人,2017.01-2018.12

16. 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,主持人,2013.10-2015.10;

17. 中国博士后科学基金面上(一等),主持人,2013.06-2015.12;

18. 广东省学科建设经费(优秀青年计划项目),主持人,2013.10-2015.12;

19. 作为骨干人员,主参了国家863计划项目等项目。




2015 – 2016香港中文大学,高级访问学者

2011 – 2011台湾阳明大学访问

2009 – 2010瑞典隆德大学访问

2007 – 2012浙江大学光学工程专业博士学位(浙江省优秀毕业生荣誉)

2003 – 2007山东大学光信息科学与技术专业学士学位(保送研究生)



Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Kduq6AEAAAAJ

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qiuqiang_Zhan

1. Liang, Y.#, Zhu, Z. #, Qiao, S.#, Guo, X., Pu R., Liu, S., Q. Zhan*(corresponding author) et al. Migrating photon avalanche in different emitters at the nanoscale enables 46th-order optical nonlinearity. Nature Nanotechnology, 17, 524–530, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-022-01101-8

2. Pu, R., Q. Zhan*., Peng, X. et al. Super-resolution microscopy enabled by high-efficiency surface-migration emission depletion. Nature Communications, 13, 6636 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33726-7

3. Guo, X.#, Pu, R.#, Q. Zhan* et al. Achieving low-power single-wavelength-pair nanoscopy with NIR-II continuous-wave laser for multi-chromatic probes, Nature Communications, 13, 2843, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30114-z

4. Q. Zhan*, H. Liu, B. Wang, Q. Wu, R. Pu, C. Zhou, B. Huang, X. Peng, H. Ågren, S. He*, Achieving high-efficiency emission depletion nanoscopy by employing cross relaxation in upconversion nanoparticles. Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 1058. (Times cited: 232)


5. Q. Zhan, J.Qian, H. Liang, S. He, et al “Using 915 nm laser excited Tm3+/Er3+/Ho3+ doped NaYbF4 upconversion nanoparticles for in vitro and deeper in vivo bioimaging without overheating irradiation”, ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 3744-3757. (IF:13.94, Times cited: 532)

6. Q. Zhan, X. Zhang, Y. Zhao, J. Liu, S. He. “Tens of thousands-fold upconversion luminescence enhancement induced by a single gold nanorod.” Laser & Photonics Reviews 2015, 9 (5), 479-487. (IF:10.43, JCR Q1)

7. C. T. Xu#, Q. Zhan# (equal contributor), Liu, H.; Somesfalean, G.; Qian, J.; He, S.; Andersson-Engels, S., “Upconverting nanoparticles for pre-clinical diffuse optical imaging, microscopy and sensing: Current trends and future challenges”, Laser & Photonics Reviews 2013, 1-35. (IF:8.43, JCR Q1)

8. Pu, R.; Liu, S.; Wang, B.; Q. Zhan*, Photoswitching the injected energy flux via core-sensitized energy migration upconversion for emission-varying STED microscopy. Optics Letter. 2022, 47 (18), 4746-4749.

9. Min, Q., Lei, J., Guo, X., Wang, T., Yang, Q., Zhou, D., Yu, X., Yu, S. F., Qiu, J., Zhan, Q.*, Xu, X. (2019), Atomic‐Level Passivation of Individual Upconversion Nanocrystal for Single Particle Microscopic Imaging. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2020, 30, 1906137.

10. Huang, B.; Bergstrand, J.; Duan, S.; Zhan, Q.*; Widengren, J.; Ågren, H.; Liu, H., Overtone Vibrational Transition-Induced Lanthanide Excited-State Quenching in Yb3+/Er3+-Doped Upconversion Nanocrystals. ACS Nano 2018, 12 (11), 10572-10575. (IF:13.94, JCR Q1)

11. Q. Zhan, S. L. He, J. Qian, H. Cheng, F. H. Cai “Optimization of Optical Excitation of Upconversion Nanoparticles for Rapid Microscopy and Deeper Tissue Imaging with Higher Quantum Yield”, Theranostics, 2013, 3 (5), 306-316.(IF:8.76, JCR Q1)

12. Wang, P.; Bao, S.; Qiao, S.; Li, C.; Jiang, Z.; Song, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhan, Q.*; Huang, L., Luminescent nanoparticle-arrays synthesized via polymer pen lithography. Nano Research 2022.

13. Deng, K.; Xu, L.; Guo, X.; Wu, X.; Liu, Y.; Zhu, Z.; Li, Q.; Q. Zhan*; Li, C.; Quan, Z., Binary Nanoparticle Superlattices for Plasmonically Modulating Upconversion Luminescence. Small, 2020, 16, 2002066.

14. Huang, B.; Wu, Q.; Peng, X.; Yao, L.; Peng, D.; Zhan, Q.*, One-scan fluorescence emission difference nanoscopy developed with excitation orthogonalized upconversion nanoparticles. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 21025-21030. (JCR Q1)

15. Peng, X.; Huang, B.; Pu, R.; Liu, H.; Zhang, T.; Widengren, J.; Zhan, Q.*, Ågren, H., Fast upconversion super-resolution microscopy with 10-µs/pixel dwell times. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 1563 - 1569. (JCR Q1)

16. Bergstrand, J.; Liu, Q.; Huang, B.; Peng, X.; Würth, C.; Resch-Genger, U.; Zhan, Q.*.; Widengren, J.; Ågren, H.; Liu, H., On the decay time of upconversion luminescence. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 4959-4969. (JCR Q1)

17. R. Wu, Q. Zhan*, H. Liu, X. Wen, B. Wang, S. He. “Optical depletion mechanism of upconverting luminescence and its potential for multi-photon STED-like microscopy.” Optics Express 2015,23 (25), 32401-32412 (JCR Q2)

18. B. Wang, Q. Zhan*, Y. Zhao, R. Wu, J. Liu, S. He. “Visible-to-visible four-photon ultrahigh resolution microscopic imaging with 730-nm diode laser excited nanocrystals.” Optics Express 2016, 24 (2), A302-A311 (JCR Q2)

19. Wu Q, Huang B, Peng X, He S, Q. Zhan*. Non-bleaching fluorescence emission difference microscopy using single 808-nm laser excited red upconversion emission. Optics Express, 2017, 25, 30885-30894.

20. Usman, M.; Guo, X.; Wu, Q.; Barman, J.; Su, S.; Huang, B.; Biao, T.; Zhang, Z.; Zhan, Q.*, Facile silicone oil-coated hydrophobic surface for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of antibiotics. RSC Advances 2019, 9, 14109-14115.

21. Y. Zhao, Q. Zhan*; J. Liu, S. He,“Optically investigating Nd3+-Yb3+ cascade sensitized upconversion nanoparticles for high resolution, rapid scanning, deep and damage-free bio-imaging.” Biomedical Optics Express 2015, 6 (3), 838-848.  (JCR Q2)

22. Q. Zhan, Baoju Wang, Xuanyuan Wen and Sailing He*, "Controlling the excitation of upconverting luminescence for biomedical theranostics: neodymium sensitizing." Optical Materials Express, 2016, 6(4): 1011-1023.

23. J. Liu, R. Wu, N. Li, X. Zhang, Q. Zhan*; S. He, “Deep, high contrast microscopic cell imaging using three-photon luminescence of B-(NaYF4:Er3+/NaYF4) nanoprobe excited by 1480-nm CW laser of only 1.5-mW.”Biomedical Optics Express 2015, 6 (5), 1857-1866. (JCR Q2)

24. Nana Li, Xuanyuan Wen, Jing Liu, Baoju Wang, Q. Zhan* and Sailing He, "Yb3+-enhanced UCNP@SiO2 nanocomposites for consecutive imaging, photothermal-controlled drug delivery and cancer therapy" Optical Materials Express , 2016 ,6(4): 1161-1171.

25. J. Liu, N. Li, R. Wu, Y. Zhao, Q. Zhan*, S. He, "Sub-5-nm lanthanide-doped ZrO2@ NaYF4 nanodots as efficient upconverting probes for rapid scanning microscopy and aptamer-mediated bioimaging."Optical Materials Express 2015,5 (8), 1759-1771 (JCR Q2)

26. X. Wen, B. Wang, R. Wu, N. Li, S. He, Q. Zhan*. “Designed Er3+-singly doped NaYF4 with double excitation bands for simultaneous deep macroscopic and microscopic upconverting bioimaging.” Biomedical Optics Express, 2016, 7(6):2174.  (JCR Q2)

27. Wei, Y.; Quan, L.; Zhou, C.; Zhan, Q.*, Factors relating to the biodistribution & clearance of nanoparticles & their effects on in vivo application. Nanomedicine 2018, 13 (12), 1495-1512. (JCR Q1)

28. Usman, M.; Guo, X.; Wu, Q.; Barman, J.; Su, S.; Huang, B.; Biao, T.; Zhang, Z.; Q. Zhan*, Facile silicone oil-coated hydrophobic surface for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of antibiotics. RSC Advances 2019, 9, 14109-14115.

29. Tan, C.; Su, X.; Zhou, C.; Wang, B.; Q. Zhan*; He, S., Acid-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of red fluorescent carbon dots for sensitive detection of Fe(iii). RSC Advances 2017, 7, 40952-40956.  (IF: 3.01)

30. Tan, C.; Zhou, C.; Peng, X.; Zhi, H.; Wang, D.; Zhan, Q*.; He, S., Sulfuric Acid Assisted Preparation of Red-Emitting Carbonized Polymer Dots and the Application of Bio-Imaging. Nanoscale Research Letters 2018, 13 (1), 272. (JCR Q2)

31. Li, Z.; Gao, L.; Wang, S.; Ji, S.; Tan, J.; Peng, X.; Zhan, Q.*; Huo, Y., Two cubane-type Ln4(OH)4 compounds derived from tridentate ligand 8-hydroxyquinoline: Synthesis, structures, one/two-photon luminescence and magnetism. Journal of Luminescence 2018, 198, 208-214.  (IF: 2.65) (JCR Q2)

32. Lei, J.; Guo, X.; Min, Q.; Yang, L.; Yang, Q.; Wang, C.; Luo, H.; Yu, X.; Qiu, J.; Zhan, Q.*; Xu, X., Brightening upconverting nanocrystals using laser-induced surface reconstruction. Materials Today Nano 2019, 100055.

33. Q. Zhan, J. Qian, X. Li and S. He "A Study of Mesoporous Silica-encapsulated Gold Nanorods as Enhanced Light Scattering Probes for Cancer Cell Imaging" Nanotechnology, 21(2010), 055704.

34. Q. Zhan., X. Zhang, B. Wang, N. Li and S. He. "Two-Photon Luminescence and Second Harmonic Generation of Single Layer Molybdenum Disulphide Nanoprobe for Nonbleaching and Nonblinking Optical Bioimaging." Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2019, 166, 107-117.

35. Cheng, X.; Ge, H.; Wei, Y.; Zhang, K.; Su, W.; Zhou, J.; Yin, L.; Zhan, Q.; Jing, S.; Huang, L., Design for Brighter Photon Upconversion Emissions via Energy Level Overlap of Lanthanide Ions. ACS Nano 2018. (JCR Q1)

36. Huang, F.; Labrador-Páez, L.; Ågren, H.; Wang, L.; Zhang, J.; Pu, R.; Zhan, Q.; Widengren, J.; Liu, H., Transient energy trapping as a size-conserving surface passivation strategy for producing bright ultrasmall upconversion nanoprobes. Nano Energy 2023, 105, 108015.

37. Liu, H.; Huang, K.; Valiev, R. R.; Zhan, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Ågren, H., Photon Upconversion Kinetic Nanosystems and Their Optical Response. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2018, 12. (IF:8.43, JCR Q1)

38. Q Ding, Q Zhan, X Zhou, T Zhang, D Xing - Theranostic Upconversion Nanobeacons for Tumor mRNA Ratiometric Fluorescence Detection and Imaging‐Monitored Drug Delivery, Small, 2016 (JCR Q1)

39. Yang, D.; Peng, Z.; Zhan, Q.; Huang, X.; Peng, X.; Guo, X.; Dong, G.; Qiu, J., Anisotropic Excitation Polarization Response from a Single White Light-Emitting β-NaYF4:Yb3+,Pr3+ Microcrystal. Small 2019, 0, 1904298. (JCR Q1)

40. J. Qian; D. Wang; F. Cai; Q. Zhan; Y. Wang; S. He, Photosensitizer Encapsulated Organically Modified Silica Nanoparticles for Direct Two-photon Photodynamic Therapy and In Vivo Functional Imaging. Biomaterials 2012, 33 (19), 4851-4860. (JCR Q1)

41. Feng, Z.; Hu, D.; Liang, L.; Xu, J.; Cao, Y.; Zhan, Q.; Guan, B.-O.; Liu, X.; Li, X., Laser-Splashed Plasmonic Nanocrater for Ratiometric Upconversion Regulation and Encryption. Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 1900610. (JCR Q1)

42. Pan, Q.; Cai, Z.; Yang, Y.; Yang, D.; Kang, S.; Chen, Z.; Qiu, J.; Zhan, Q.; Dong, G., Engineering Tunable Broadband Near-Infrared Emission in Transparent Rare-Earth Doped Nanocrystals-in-Glass Composites via a Bottom-Up Strategy. Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 1801482. (JCR Q1)

43. Su, R.; Wang, D.; Liu, M.; Yan, J.; Wang, J.-X.; Zhan, Q.; Pu, Y.; Foster, N. R.; Chen, J.-F., Subgram-Scale Synthesis of Biomass Waste-Derived Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Subcritical Water for Bioimaging, Sensing, and Solid-State Patterning. ACS Omega 2018, 3 (10), 13211-13218.

44. J. Qian, T. Fu, Q. Zhan and S. He (invited review paper), “Using Some Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents for Optical Bio-imaging”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2010, 16 (3), 672-684. (JCR Q2)

45. Wang, D.; Wang, Z.; Zhan, Q.; Pu, Y.; Wang, J.-X.; Foster, N. R.; Dai, L., Facile and Scalable Preparation of Fluorescent Carbon Dots for Multifunctional Applications. Engineering 2017, 3, 402-408. (ESI 高被引)

46. Wang, T.; Lin, Y.; Lu, W.; Guo, X.; Qiu, J.; Yu, X.; Zhan, Q.; Yu, S. F.; Xu, X., Growth Processes of LuF3 Upconversion Nanoflakes with the Assistance of Amorphous Nanoclusters. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2019, 2, 5254-5259.

47. Y. Cui, H. Zhao, F. Yang, P. Tong, Y. Hao, Q. Sun, F. Shi, Q. Zhan, H. Wang, F. Zhu. “Efficiency enhancement in organic solar cells by incorporating silica-coated gold nanorods at the buffer/active interface.” Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2015,3 (38), 9859-9868 (JCR Q1)

48. Liu, D.; Liang, Q.; Li, G.; Gao, X.; Wang, W.; Q. Zhan; Ji, T.; Hao, Y.; Cui, Y., Improved Efficiency of Organic Photovoltaic Cells by Incorporation of AuAg-Alloyed Nanoprisms. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 2017, 7, 1036-1041.

49. Sathishkumar, P.; Gu, F. L.; Zhan, Q.; Palvannan, T.; Mohd Yusoff, A. R., Flavonoids mediated ‘Green’ nanomaterials: A novel nanomedicine system to treat various diseases – Current trends and future perspective. Materials Letters 2018, 210, 26-30.

50. Zhang, D.-Y.; Zheng, Y.; Zhang, H.; He, L.; Tan, C.-P.; Sun, J.-H.; Zhang, W.; Peng, X.; Zhan, Q.; Ji, L.-N.; Mao, Z.-W., Ruthenium complex-modified carbon nanodots for lysosome-targeted one- and two-photon imaging and photodynamic therapy. Nanoscale 2017, 9, 18966-18976. (JCR Q1)

51. T. Wang, Y. Lin, W. Lu, X. Guo, J. Qiu, X. Yu, Q. Zhan, S. F. Yu, and X. Xu (2019), Growth Processes of LuF3 Upconversion Nanoflakes with the Assistance of Amorphous Nanoclusters, ACS Applied Nano Materials, (8), 5254-5259

52. X. Li, L. Jiang, Q. Zhan, J. Qian and S. He, “Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) of Polyelectrolyte-functionalized Gold-nanoparticles for Bio-sensing”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2009, 332,172-179.

53. Yang, Y.; Hu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Wang, B.; Zhan, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Ao, X., Broadband SERS substrates by oblique angle deposition method. Opt. Mater. Express 2016, 6, 2644-2654.

54. Xing, F.; Zhan, Q.; He, Y.; Cui, J.; He, S.; Wang, G., 1800MHz Microwave Induces p53 and p53-Mediated Caspase-3 Activation Leading to Cell Apoptosis In Vitro. PLoS ONE 2016, 11, e0163935.

55. Sathishkumar, P.; Li, Z.; Huang, B.; Guo, X.; Zhan, Q.; Wang, C.; Gu, F. L., Understanding the surface functionalization of myricetin-mediated gold nanoparticles: Experimental and theoretical approaches. Applied Surface Science 2019, 493, 634-644.

56. X. Liu, J. Lin, T. Jiang, Z. Zhu, Q. Zhan, J. Qian, and S. He, "Surface plasmon properties of hollow Au-Ag alloyed triangular nanoboxes and its applications in sers imaging and potential drug delivery," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 128, 35-53, 2012

57. Liu, M.; Q. Zhan; Li, W.; Li, R.; He, Q.; Wang, Y., Effect of Zn doping concentration on optical band gap of PbS thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019, 792, 1000-1007. (JCR Q1)

58. J. Qian, Y. Wang, X. Gao, Q. Zhan, Z. Xu and S. He, “Carboxyl-functionalized and Bio-conjugated Silica coated Quantum Dots as Targeting Probes for Cell Imaging,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2010, 10(1-8).


1. 詹求强,唐欢,蒲锐,文紫照,邱雪,王保举,肖楚,点扫描长寿命荧光显微成像的智能高速扫描方法及装置,中国发明专利,专利号: ZL 202110737390.0授权(公告)日:2023.01.03

2. 詹求强,赵普,朱志旻,一种STED超分辨图像背景噪声差分抑制方法,中国发明专利,专利号: ZL 202010282739.1授权(公告)日:2022.03.22

3. 詹求强吴秋生,黄冰如,周超,黄文雯,一种荧光成像方法、实时差分超分辨显微成像方法及装置,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810418783.3,授权(公告)日2022.01.04

4. 詹求强,彭星韵,吴秋生,黄冰如,蒲锐,一种多波段荧光损耗方法、多色超分辨成像方法及装置,中国发明专利,专利号: ZL 201710919396.3授权(公告)日:2021.01.15

5. 詹求强,周超,黄冰如,上转换超分辨成像纳米探针及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201710919433.0授权(公告)2021.01.15

6. 詹求强,王保举,蒲锐,彭星韵,黄冰如,一种受激辐射损耗方法、超分辨成像方法及显微成像装置,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 20161114288.4X授权(公告)日2019.10.18

7. 詹求强,吴秋生,马剑涛,王保举,李彦慧,基于DMD的双模式光学超分辨显微成像装置及方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201710439661.8, 授权(公告)日:2019.06.25

8. 詹求强,吴锐涛,王保举,一种荧光损耗方法、显微成像方法及显微成像装置,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510896605.8,授权(公告)日:2018.06.19

9. 詹求强,丁诗雨,蒲锐,一种近红外光激发上转换长余辉的复合纳米材料及其制备,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201610279154.8,授权(公告)日:2018.05.01

10. 詹求强,赵宇翔,王保举,钕离子敏化上转换纳米晶新用途及高分辨多光子显微系统,中国发明专利,专利号ZL 201510400885.9,授权(公告)日:2018.02.16

11. 詹求强,刘静,上转换复合纳米材料及其制备方法、应用,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201410331538.0授权(公告)日:2017.04.05 

12. 詹求强,刘静,赵宇翔,一种单光束生物细胞检测及筛选的微流控系统及方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201310404958.0,  授权(公告)日:2016.05.11

13. 詹求强,赵宇翔,一种简便的超宽带受激拉曼光谱显微成像系统,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201310422918.0, 授权(公告)日:2015.06.10

14. 詹求强叶峰,吴秋生,黄雯文,姚丽琴,黄冰如,基于上转换纳米材料的多焦点结构光照明显微成像装置,中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201820304942.2, 授权(公告)日:2018.10.09

15. 王丹,钱骏,詹求强,何赛灵,一种上转换发光材料的表面包覆方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201210060849.9, 授权(公告)日:2014.01.29

16. 王丹,钱骏,詹求强,何赛灵,一种上转换荧光纳米材料的制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201110006719.2, 授权(公告)日:2013.03.13

17. 詹求强,何赛灵,杨东尼,林众宇,潘江帆,基于上转换纳米晶的受激损耗超分辨光学显微方法及系统,中国发明专利,公开号:CN104764729A,公开日:2016.07.08

18. 詹求强,朱志旻,梁宇森,乔书倩,蒲锐,文紫照,一种低光强单光束大视野的激光点扫描超分辨显微成像装置与方法,中国发明专利,公开号:CN113567410A,公开日:2021.10.29

19. 詹求强,梁宇森,朱志旻,乔书倩,郭鑫,王保举,一种具有非线性响应级联放大效应的纳米光子雪崩荧光原理与实现方法,中国发明专利,公开号:CN113607705A,公开日:2021.11.05

20. 文紫照,肖楚,王保举,唐欢,詹求强,一种近红外激发的全内反射荧光相关谱动力学检测装置及方法,中国发明专利,公开号CN202111000148.1公开日2021.10.29

21. 詹求强,吴蕙,赵琪,刘思璎,一种简易高效制备上转换稀土发光材料的低温固相方法,中国发明专利,公开号:CN114874766A,公开日:2022.08.09

22. 詹求强,赵琪,吴蕙,邬楚妍,一种实现量子点发射光子雪崩荧光的方法,中国发明专利,公开号:CN114874763A,公开日:2022.08.09

23. 詹求强,朱志旻,郭鑫,蒲锐,乔书倩,黄冰如,一种受激辐射损耗敏化的荧光损耗原理及其超分辨成像方法与装置,中国发明专利,申请号:202210558846.1,申请日:2022.05.21

24. 王保举刘畅潘彬雄蔡雨言詹求强,一种基于高阶非线性荧光的三维各向同性单物镜超分辨成像方法,中国发明专利,受理号:202210983942.0,申请日:2022.08.17

25. 詹求强肖楚王保举蔡雨言张捷,一种近红外倏逝波激发的三维超分辨显微成像方法及装置,中国发明专利,公开号:CN115389474A,公开日:2022.11.25

26. 詹求强潘彬雄刘畅蔡雨言王保举,一种基于镜面干涉场激发非线性荧光的三维各向同性超分辨成像方法及装置,中国发明专利,公开号:CN115343835A公开日:2022.11.15

27. 詹求强,王琛旖,文紫照,朱志旻,赵琪,吴蕙,一种利用界面传能实现多离子纳米光子雪崩发光的方法,中国发明专利,公开号:CN115386361A,公开日:2022.11.25

28. 蔡雨言 王保举 刘畅 詹求强,一种基于荧光径向涨落算法的三维光片超分辨成像方法与装置,中国发明专利,公开号:CN115420721A,公开日:2022.12.02

29. 王保举  蔡雨言  潘彬雄 詹求强,一种基于荧光损耗超分辨法的近红外结构光照明光片成像方法与装置,中国发明专利,公开号:CN115372329A,公开日:2022.11.22


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