Email: yuandong@scnu.edu.cn
Building 5, South China Normal University at Guangzhou Higher Educational Mega Center,
Guangzhou 510006, China
[1] 2024年,基于液晶弹性体涂层的刺激响应型三维动态表面的构建与调控机制研究,广东自然科学基金面上项目;
[2] 2023年,流体型高速响应柔性电子纸研究,国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目;
[3] 2023年,高性能彩色电子纸及关键材料、器件,国家工信部高质量发展专项;
[4] 2022年,知识产权重点工作推进计划项目-新型显示技术领域高价值专利培育中心,广州市知识产权项目;
[5] 2022年,基于液晶微胶囊的热电双重响应智能变色涂层材料研究,广州市一般科研项目。
[1] Yu Zhang, Meiqiu Dong*, Yuhan Du, Shuyuan Yang, Yiwen Ren, Yangwu Guo, Dongning Gao, Xiaolong Lin, Dong Yuan*, Guofu Zhou, Yujie Yan, Lingjie Sun*, Rongjin Li, Fangxu Yang*, Wenping Hu. Chiroptical organic heterojunction synaptic phototransistor exhibiting near-theoretical limit asymmetry factor for neuromorphic cryptography, Matter, 2025, 8(3):101945.
[2] Wei Liu, Mohammad Khorsand Ahmadi, Max H.J. Dekkers, Alex Henzen, Jaap M.J. den Toonder, Dong Yuan*, Jan Groenewold*, Guofu Zhou, Hans M. Wyss*; Charge injection mediated by inverse micelles in nonpolar solvents: A microscopic model, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2025, 678: 449-459.
[3] Longpeng Chen, Hailing Sun, Jianyang Guo, Shuang Liu, Yuanyuan Guo, Guofu Zhou, Dong Yuan*, Biao Tang*, Jiawei Lai*, Novel Cyanoethyl Cellulose-based Bilayer Materials for Electrowetting Displays at Low Voltage. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2025, 17(11): 17509–17520.
[4] Wei Liu, Mohammad Khorsand Ahmadi, Lei Zhuang, Alex Henzen, Jaap M. J. den Toonder, Dong Yuan*, Jan Groenewold*, Guofu Zhou, and Hans M. Wyss*, Enhanced particle transport in nonpolar solvents driven by electric fields: Elucidating the roles of electrophoresis and electro-osmosis through numerical simulation. Physical Review E, 2025, 111, 015431.
[5] Wei Liu, Lijuan Xie, Yanguo Liu*, Guizhi Zhang, Xiaolong Lin, Xiongbin Yang, Xiangyu Huang, Guofu Zhou, Jiawei Lai*, Dong Yuan*; A Comprehensive Investigation into the Mechanisms Dictating the Movement of Liquid Crystal Polymer Flakes in Liquid Crystal Hosts, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16(50): 70108-70118.
[6] You Yuxin, Golestani Youssef M., Broer Dirk J., Yang Tinghong, Zhou Guofu, Selinger Robin L. B., Yuan Dong*, Liu Danqing. Transforming patterned defects into dynamic poly-regional topographies in liquid crystal oligomers, Materials Horizons, 2024, 11: 3178-3186
[7] Chang Tian, Wang Bochu, Yuan Dong, Wang Yilong, Smalyukh Ivan, Zhou Guofu, Zhang Zhen. Cellulose nanocrystal chiral photonic micro-flakes for multilevel anti-counterfeiting and identification. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446(1):136630.
[8] Sunqian Liu, Xiaoling Liao, Laurens T. de Haan, Yuxin You, Huapeng Ye, Guofu Zhou and Dong Yuan*. Light-deformable dynamic surface fabricated by ink-jet printing. Soft Matter, 2021,17, 748-757.
[9] Wei Liu, Yong Zhou, Sunqian Liu, Wan Shao, Dirk J. Broer, Guofu Zhou, Dong Yuan*, Danqing Liu. Cholesteric Flakes in Motion Driven by the Elastic Force from Nematic Liquid Crystals. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11 (43), 40916-40922.
[10] BeiBei Zhang, XianYu Lin, YuXin You, XiaoWen Hu, Laurens De Haan, Wei Zhao, GuoFu Zhou, and Dong Yuan*. Flexible thermal responsive infrared reflector based on cholesteric liquid crystals and polymer stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals. Optics Express, 2019, 27(9), 13516-13525.
[11] Xudong Yan, Yong Zhou, Wei Liu, Sunqian Liu, Xiaowen Hu, Wei Zhao, Guofu Zhou and Dong Yuan*. Effects of silver nanoparticle doping on the electro-optical properties of polymer stabilized liquid crystal devices. Liquid Crystals, 2020, 47(8), 1131-1138.