劳伦斯·德·哈恩(Laurens Theobald de Haan)
男,荷兰籍,华南师范大学全职教授。2014年11月博士毕业于荷兰埃因霍温理工大学功能有机材料与器件实验室,师从世界著名液晶高分子材料专家、荷兰皇家科学院院士 Dirk Jan Broer 教授。2015年7月于华南师范大学-深圳市国华光电科技有限公司博士后联合培养基地入站,参与荷兰埃因霍温理工大学、华南师范大学、深圳市国华光电科技有限公司共建的“红外反射液晶高分子材料与器件国际合作基地”的建设和合作研究工作。2018年作为特聘副研究员入职华南师范大学,2019年入选国家级人才项目并任全职教授。他目前的项目主要是开发基于液晶聚合物的响应表面材料,目前已在制备会因热、水和应变而改变颜色、或施加电场影响形状的光子表面新材料等方面取得一系列的重要成果和进展。劳伦斯·德·哈恩教授目前与埃因霍温理工大学有合作交流项目。
Prof. Laurens Theobald de Haan received his PhD degree in 2014 from the Eindhoven University of Technology on “Programmed Morphing of Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks”. His PhD supervisors were prof. D.J. Broer and prof. A.P.H.J. Schenning, who are both renowned professors in the field of liquid crystal polymer materials. After obtaining his PhD degree he accepted a postdoctoral position at South China Normal University (SCNU) in Guangzhou in collaboration with Guohua Optoelectronics in Shenzhen, under supervision of prof. G. Zhou. In 2019 he was awarded a national talents program and obtained his current position as a full professor at SCNU. His current projects mainly focus on the development of responsive photonic surfaces based on liquid crystal polymers. He and his students have prepared photonic surfaces that their reflective properties in response to heat, water, strain, and pH changes, and potential applications as sensors and in temperature-regulating smart windows have been demonstrated. In current and future projects, the responsiveness of the photonic polymers is further improved to expand the scope of these materials, for example to detect specific biomolecules or pollutants. Prof. Laurens de Haan has collaborations with professors at universities in the Netherlands and Belgium.
T. Zhou, Z. Mai, Z. Zeng, Y. Feng, G. Zhou, Y. Wang, L. T de Haan, Incorporating amidine groups into photonic cholesteric polymer networks for food quality sensing, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12 (2024), 16174
P. Zhang, M.G. Debije, L.T. de Haan,* A.P.H.J. Schenning, Switching between 3D Surface Topographies in Liquid Crystal Elastomer Coatings Using Two‐Step Imprint Lithography, Small, 19 (2023), 2302051
Q. Wei, P. Lv, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Qin, L.T. de Haan, J. Chen, D. Wang, B.B. Xu, D.J. Broer, G. Zhou, L. Ding, W. Zhao, Facile Stratification-Enabled Emergent Hyper-Reflectivity in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (2022), 57235
W. Zhang, A.P.H.J. Schenning, A.J.J. Kragt, G. Zhou, L.T. de Haan, Thermochromic Multicolored Photonic Coatings with Light Polarization-and Structural Color-Dependent Changes, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4 (2022), 537
P. Zhang, M.G. Debije, L.T. de Haan, A.P.H.J. Schenning, Pigmented structural color actuators fueled by near infrared light, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14 (2022), 20093
X. Shi, Z. Deng, P. Zhang, Y. Wang,* G. Zhou, L.T. de Haan, Wearable Optical Sensing of Strain and Humidity: A Patterned Dual‐Responsive Semi‐Interpenetrating Network of a Cholesteric Main‐Chain Polymer and a Poly(ampholyte), Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (2021), 2104641
P. Zhang, G. Zhou, L.T. de Haan, A.P.H.J. Schenning, 4D Chiral Photonic Actuators with Switchable Hyper‐Reflectivity, Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (2021), 2007887
W. Zhang, A.P.H.J. Schenning, A.J.J. Kragt, G. Zhou*, L.T. de Haan, Reversible Thermochromic Photonic Coatings with a Protective Topcoat, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13 (2021), 3153
P. Zhang, X. Shi, A.P.H.J. Schenning, G. Zhou, L. T. de Haan, A Patterned Mechanochromic Photonic Polymer for Reversible Image Reveal, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 7 (2020), 1901878
Z. Deng, G. Zhou, L.T. de Haan, Preparation of an interpenetrating network of a poly(ampholyte) and a cholesteric polymer and investigation of its hydrochromic properties, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11 (2019), 36044
1. Smart Cholesteric Infrared reflectors,国家自然科学基金委(海外青年基金),2017,主持
2. 可刺激响应及自调节的液晶高分子光热调制器件研究,广东省教育厅-国际暨港澳台合作创新平台,2015,参与
3. 红外反射液晶高分子材料与器件国际合作基地,广东省科技厅-协同创新与平台环境建设专项,2015,参与
4. 国家光流材料与器件工程技术研究中心培育,2017年科技发展专项资金(协同创新与平台环境建设第二批),2018,参与
5. 基于液晶高分子材料的智能玻璃研发及产业化,广东省科技厅(2017年应用型科技研发专项),2017,参与