陈楷旋,2020年3月毕业于浙江大学光通信技术专业,获博士学位。2018年9月至2019年8月获得国家留学基金委“联合培养博士生”项目资助到韩国科学技术院(KAIST)电子工程系留学1年。2020年7月至2022年7月在华南师范大学原研究生课题组从事博士后研究工作,2022年7月至2023年8月转聘为“青年英才”计划特聘研究员,2023年8月至今为华南师范大学副研究员。陈楷旋一直致力于硅基及薄膜铌酸锂光集成芯片的研究,主要包括光耦合器、波分复用器、模式处理器件、电光调制器以及在高速率光收发芯片、光谱仪检测上的应用,已取得一系列研究成果,共发表了SCI期刊论文40多篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者(含共一/共通)20多篇;国家发明专利申请10项,其中授权4项。曾为Optica, Laser & Photon. Rev., Sci. Rep., Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, Opt Laser Technol.等SCI期刊审稿人。
2023-08 至 今,华南师范大学,副研究员
2022-07 至 2023-08,华南师范大学,“青年英才”计划,特聘研究员
2020-07 至 2022-07,华南师范大学博士后
2018-09 至 2019-08,韩国科学技术院(KAIST), 电子工程系,国家公派联合培养博士生
2016-09 至 2020-03,浙江大学, 光通信技术, 博士
2013-09 至 2016-06,华南师范大学, 光学工程, 硕士
2008-09 至 2012-06,广东工业大学, 电子科学与技术(微电子), 学士
8. 基于铌酸锂薄膜偏振不敏感光发射芯片关键器件的研究,广东省自然科学基金-面上项目, 2024.01-2026.12,主持
7. 基于集成铌酸锂外腔的窄线宽波长高速可调激光器,国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,2022.01-2024.12,主持
6. 硅/铌酸锂混合集成400G LWDM光收发核心器件的研究,广东省自然科学基金-面上项目, 2021.01-2022.12,主持
5. III-V/铌酸锂薄膜波导混合集成和光学耦合的研究,广州市科技计划项目-基础研究计划,2022.04-2024.03,主持
4. 硅基多材料混合集成密集波分复用光发射和放大芯片研究,国家自然科学基金-重点项目,2022.01-2026.12,子项目负责人
3. 基于高集成度光子芯片的光传输系统,国家重点研发计划课题,2020.1-2022.12,骨干
2. 25G硅光收发芯片,横向,20万,2020.09-2022.06,主持
1. 100G CWDM4硅基芯片,横向,24.66万,2021.09-2022.08,主持
46. 高天,甘然丰,陈斌,余嘉扬,刘洁,郭昌建,陈楷旋*,刘柳*,基于x切薄膜铌酸锂平台的TM模弯曲波导(特邀), 激光与光电子学进展 61(11),1116018 (2024).
45. H. Wang, X. Xing, Z. Ruan, J. Yu, K. Chen*, X. Ou, and L. Liu*, “Optical switch with an ultralow DC drift based on thin-film lithium tantalate,” Opt. Lett. 49, 5019-5022 (2024).
44. M. Wang, L. Qi, H. Wang, Z. Ruan, G. Chen, B. Chen, S. Gong, K. Chen, and L. Liu*, “Robust thin-film lithium niobate modulator on a silicon substrate with backside holes,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 22, 050601 (2024).
43. X. Xing, B. Chen, K. Chen*, and L. Liu, “Optimization design of a polarization-independent grating coupler on lithium-niobate-on-insulator,” Appl. Opt. 63, 7990-7995 (2024).
42. L. Wu, X. Xing, Z. Ruan. R. Gan, L. Qi, H. Wang, C. Guo, K. Chen*, and L. Liu, “A polarization-insensitive MMI coupler on an x-cut thin film lithium niobate platform,” Opt. Lett. 49, 4409-4412 (2024).
41. J. Yu, Z. Ruan, Y. Xue, H. Wang, R. Gan, T. Gao, C. Guo, K, Chen*, X. Ou, and L. Liu*, “Tunable and stable micro-ring resonator based on thin-film lithium tantalate,” APL Photon. 9, 036115 (2024).
40. X. Wang, Z. Ruan, K. Chen, G. Chen, M. Wang, B. Chen, and L. Liu*, “Fast and low energy-consumption integrated Fourier-transform spectrometer based on thin-film lithium niobate,” Nanophoton. 13, 3985-3993 (2024).
39. Z. Li, R. Gan, Z. Chen, Z. Deng, R. Gao, K. Chen, C. Guo*, Y. Zhang, L. Liu, S. Yu, and J. Liu*, “Scalable On-Chip Optoelectronic Ising Machine Utilizing Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Photonics,” ACS Photon. 11, 1703-1714 (2024).
38. X. Liu, Z. Ruan, S. Sun, C. Guo, K. Chen*, N. Zhu*, L. Liu, “Sharp bend and large FSR ring resonator based on the free-form curves on thin-film lithium niobate platform,” Opt. Express 32, 9433-9441 (2024).
37. G. Chen, H. Wang, B. Chen, Z. Ruan, C. Guo, K. Chen, and L. Liu*, “Compact slow-light waveguide and modulator on thin-film lithium niobate platform,” Nanophoton. 12, 3603-3611 (2023).
36. G. Chen, K. Chen, Z. Yu, and L. Liu*, “Low-loss and broadband polarization-diversity edge coupler on a thin-film lithium niobate platform,” Opt. Lett. 48, 4145-4148 (2023).
35. X. Zhou, K. Chen*, and L. Liu*, “Parallel-output flat-top microring arrays for WDM demultiplexer applications,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 35, 1075-1078 (2023).
34. Z. Ruan#, K. Chen#, Z. Wang, X. Fan, R. Gan, L. Qi, Y. Xie, C. Guo, Z. Yang, N. Cui, and L. Liu*, “High-performance electro-optic modulator on silicon nitride platform with heterogeneous integration of lithium niobate,” Laser & Photon. Rev. 17, 2200327 (2023).
33. B. Chen, Z. Ruan, K. Chen, and L. Liu*, “One-Dimensional Grating Coupler on Lithium-Niobate-on-Insulator for High-Efficiency and Polarization-Independent Coupling,” APL Photonics 7, 076103 (2023).
32. Z. Zheng, X. Zhou, K. Chen*, and L. Liu*, “LAN Wavelength Division Multiplexer on Silicon-Lithium Niobate Hybrid Integration Platform,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 35, 325-328 (2023).
31. P. Huang, K. Chen*, and L. Liu, “Fabrication-tolerant directional couplers on thin-film lithium niobate,” Opt. Lett. 48, 1264-1267 (2023).
30. Y. Xue, X. Wu, K. Chen, J. Wang, and L. Liu*, “Waveguide integrated high-speed black phosphorus photodetector on thin film lithium niobate platform,” Opt. Mater. Express 13, 272-281 (2023). January 2023 Top Downloads.
29. Y. Shen, Z. Ruan, K. Chen, L. Liu, B. Chen*, and Y. Rao, “Broadband polarization splitter-rotator on thin film lithium niobate with conversion-enhanced adiabatic tapers,” Opt. Express 31, 1354-1366 (2023).
28. Y. Xue#, R. Gan#, K. Chen, G. Chen, Z. Ruan, J. Zhang, J. Liu, D. Dai, C. Guo*, and L. Liu*, “Breaking the bandwidth limit of a high-quality-factor ring modulator based on thin-film lithium niobate,” Optica 9, 1131-1137 (2022). October 2022 Top Downloads.
27. R. Gang#, L. Qi#, Z. Ruan, J. Liu, C. Guo, K. Chen*, and L. Liu, “Fabrication tolerant and broadband polarization splitter-rotator based on adiabatic mode evolution on thin-film lithium niobate,” Opt. Lett. 47, 5200-5203 (2022).
26. C. Li, B. Chen, Z. Ruan, H. Wu, Y. Zhou, J. Liu, P. Chen, K. Chen, C. Guo*, and L. Liu*, “High Modulation Efficiency and Large Bandwidth Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Modulator for Visible Light,” Opt. Express 30, 36394-36402 (2022).
25. Z. Wang, G. Chen, Z. Ruan, R. Gan, P. Huang, Z. Zheng, L. Lu, J. Li, C. Guo, K. Chen*, and L. Liu*, “Silicon-lithium niobate hybrid intensity and coherent modulators using periodic capacitively-loaded traveling-wave electrode,” ACS Photon. 9, 2668-2675 (2022).
24. R. Zhang, S. Sun, F. Zhang, K. Chen*, L. Liu, N. Zhu*, Four-mode parallel silicon multimode waveguide crossing scheme based on the asymmetric directional couplers. Optics Express 30, 22442-22451 (2022).
23. B. Pan, H. Cao, Y. Huang, Z. Wang, K. Chen, H. Li, Z. Yu, D. Dai*, Compact electro-optic modulator on lithium niobate. Photonics Research 10, 697-702 (2022).
22. J. Liu, Z. Zheng, B. Chen, Z. Wang, C. Li, K. Chen*, L. Liu*, High-performance grating coupler array on silicon for a perfectly-vertically mounted multicore fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40, 5654 – 5659 (2022).
21. C. Li, P. Chen, J. Li, K. Chen*, C. Guo*, L. Liu, Modeling of thin-film lithium niobate modulator for visible light. Optical Engineering 61, 057101 (2022).
20. K. Chen, G. Chen, Z. Ruan, X. Fan, J. Zhang, R. Gan, J. Liu, D. Dai, C. Guo, and L. Liu*, “Four-channel CWDM transmitter chip based on thin-film lithium niobate platform,” J. Semicond. 43, 112301 (2022).
19. G. Chen, Z. Ruan, Z. Wang, P. Huang, C. Guo, D. Dai, K. Chen, L. Liu*, Four-channel CWDM device on a thin-film lithium niobate platform using an angled multimode interferometer structure. Photonics Research 10, 8-13 (2022).
18. G. Chen, K. Chen, J. Zhang, R. Gan, L. Qi, X. Fan, Z. Ruan, Z. Lin, J. Liu, C. Lu, A. P. T. Lau, D. Dai, C. Guo*, L. Liu*, Compact 100GBaud driverless thin-film lithium niobate modulator on a silicon substrate. Optics Express 30, 25308-25317 (2022).
17. G. Chen, K. Chen, R. Gan, Z. Ruan, Z. Wang, P. Huang, C. Lu, A. P. T. Lau, D. Dai, C. Guo*, L. Liu*, High performance thin-film lithium niobate modulator on a silicon substrate using periodic capacitively loaded traveling-wave electrode. APL Photonics 7, 026103 (2022).
16. B. Chen, Z. Ruan, X. Fan, Z. Wang, J. Liu, C. Li, K. Chen*, L. Liu*, Low-loss fiber grating coupler on thin film lithium niobate platform. APL Photonics 7, 076103 (2022).
15. Z. Lin, K. Chen, Q. Huang*, S. He*, Ultra-broadband polarization beam splitter based on cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers assisted by effectively anisotropic structures. IEEE Photonics Journal 13, 1-9 (2021).
14. B. Chen, Z. Ruan, J. Hu, J. Wang, C. Lu, A. P. T. Lau, C. Guo, K. Chen*, P. Chen, L. Liu*, Two-dimensional grating coupler on an X-cut lithium niobate thin-film. Optics Express 29, 1289-1295 (2021).
13. J. Yu, J. Mu, K. Chen, M. de Goede, M. Dijkstra, S. He*, S. M. García-Blanco, High-performance 90 hybrids based on MMI couplers in Si3N4 technology. Optics Communications 465, 125620 (2020).
12. Z. Ruan, J. Hu, Y. Xue, J. Liu, B. Chen, J. Wang, K. Chen, P. Chen*, L. Liu*, Metal based grating coupler on a thin-film lithium niobate waveguide. Optics Express 28, 35615-35621 (2020).
11. K. Chen, L. Liu, S. He*, Mode division multiplexing based on supermodes in densely packed uniform waveguide array (DPUWA). IEEE Photonics Journal 12, 1-10 (2020).
10. B. Wang, Q. Huang, K. Chen, J. Zhang, G. Kurczveil, D. Liang, S. Palermo, M. R. Tan, R. G. Beausoleil, S. He*, Modulation on silicon for datacom: Past, present, and future (invited review). Progress In Electromagnetics Research 166, 119-145 (2019).
9. K. Chen, K. Yu, S. He*, High performance polarization beam splitter based on cascaded directional couplers assisted by effectively anisotropic structures. IEEE Photonics Journal 11, 1-9 (2019).
8. K. Chen, J. Yan, S. He*, L. Liu*, Broadband optical switch for multiple spatial modes based on a silicon densely packed waveguide array. Optics Letters 44, 907-910 (2019).
7. K. Ma, K. Chen, N. Zhu*, L. Liu, S. He*, High-resolution compact on-chip spectrometer based on an echelle grating with densely packed waveguide array. IEEE Photonics Journal 11, 1-7 (2018).
6. K. Chen, Z. Nong, J. Zhang, X. Cai, S. He, L. Liu*, Multimode 3 dB coupler based on symmetrically coupled waveguides for on-chipbrk mode division multiplexing. Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 4260-4267 (2017).
5. L. Liu*, J. Zhang, C. Zhang, S. Wang, C. Jin, Y. Chen, K. Chen, T. Xiang, Y. Shi, Silicon waveguide grating coupler for perfectly vertical fiber based on a tilted membrane structure. Optics Letters 41, 820-823 (2016).
4. Q. Huang, Y. Wu, K. Ma, J. Zhang, W. Xie, X. Fu, Y. Shi, K. Chen, J.-J. He, D. Van Thourhout, G. Roelkens, L. Liu, S. He*, Low driving voltage band-filling-based III-V-on-silicon electroabsorption modulator. Applied Physics Letters 108, 141104 (2016).
3. K. Chen#, Q. Huang#, J. Zhang, J. Cheng, X. Fu, C. Zhang, K. Ma, Y. Shi, D. Van Thourhout, G. Roelkens, L. Liu*, S. He*, Wavelength-multiplexed duplex transceiver based on III-V/Si hybrid integration for off-chip and on-chip optical interconnects. IEEE Photonics Journal 8, 1-10 (2016).
2. X. Fu, J. Cheng, Q. Huang, Y. Hu, W. Xie, M. Tassaert, J. Verbist, K. Ma, J. Zhang, K. Chen, C. Zhang, Y. Shi*, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, L. Liu*, S. He, 5×20 Gb/s heterogeneously integrated III-V on silicon electro-absorption modulator array with arrayed waveguide grating multiplexer. Optics Express 23, 18686-18693 (2015).
1. K. Chen, S. Wang, S. Chen, S. Wang, C. Zhang, D. Dai, L. Liu*, Experimental demonstration of simultaneous mode and polarization-division multiplexing based on silicon densely packed waveguide array. Optics Letters 40, 4655-4658 (2015).
11. 陈楷旋;高天;高有康,多模微环、重构式光谱仪和非均匀采样的光谱重构方法,2025-01-15,发明专利,202510061009.1
10. 陈楷旋; 马伟龙; 王浩华; 吴凌峰; 陈帅,一种基于密集波导相移臂的电光开关,2024-08-28,发明专利, 202411192746.7
9. 陈楷旋;赵凡苏;张国务;刘柳,一种基于薄膜铌酸锂波导超模演化的偏振转换器,2023-12-13,发明专利,202311712893.8
8. 郭昌建; 崔澳; 吴潇枫; 刘由心; 陈伟彬; 陈楷旋,一种可调分光比调制装置,2024-11-14,发明专利,202411624132.1
7. 郭昌建; 刘由心; 陈楷旋; 崔澳; 叶峻江; 陈伟彬,基于薄膜铌酸锂的偏振分析装置及方法,2024-04-02,发明专利,202410392455.6
6. 王宗;陈楷旋;郭昌建,一种基于薄膜铌酸锂多模波导的偏振无关电光调制器,2022-12-20,发明专利,202211636842.7
5. 王宗;陈楷旋;郭昌建,一种基于薄膜铌酸锂密集双波导的偏振无关的电光调制器,2022-12-21,发明专利,202211638060.7
4. 何赛灵; 黄强盛; 林宗兴; 陈楷旋,超大带宽的铌酸锂电光开关, 2020-07-29, 发明专利, 202010741293.4,授权
3. 何赛灵; 陈楷旋,一种高性能偏振分束器及其设计方法, 2019-7-4, 发明专利, 201910596954.6,授权
2. 陈伟; 刘柳; 陈楷旋,用于多模光波导3dB分束的定向耦合器及耦合方法, 2016-11-23, 发明专利, 201611033025.7,授权
1. 王娜; 陈楷旋; 刘柳,激光干涉法薄膜厚度变化量在线监测方法和装置, 2018-11-16, 发明专利, 201510249800.1,授权