2025年3月27日 星期四

2023-03-22 14:29:00   来源:    点击:


Research identifiers: 0000-0001-7115-5067 (ORCID)  






2012-2018荷兰乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University)物理学院,德拜纳米材料科学研究,软凝聚态物质,博士(导师:Alfons van Blaaderen教授,荷兰皇家艺术和科学院院士)

2014,2016美国宾夕法尼亚大学化学系,访问学生(合作导师:Christopher B. Murray教授,美国工程院院士)





2018.11-2022.08:比利时安特卫普电镜中心(EMAT),博士后,玛丽居里学者(合作导师:Sara Bals教授,比利时皇家科学与艺术学院院士;Sandra Van Aert教授)






本课题组立足于软物质及先进电子显微学两个研究领域,开展跨尺度结构设计、聚集态物性表征及宏观尺度功能材料构筑的前沿交叉研究。目前,课题组聚焦发展可控胶体合成和自组装策略,开发并利用先进透射电镜技术在多尺度下表征、操控自组装的结构和性质,结合计算机模拟阐明自组装机理,探索胶体自组装在光电材料中的应用。相关研究成果发表在Nature PhysicsNature Synthesis, Nature Communications, Accounts of Chemical Research, ACS Nano 等学术期刊。课题组鼓励研究人员和学生自主开拓新的研究方向,学术环境宽松,研究经费充足。课题组与荷兰乌特勒支大学Alfons van Blaaderen教授、Marjolein Dijkstra教授、比利时安特卫普电镜中心Sara Bals教授、西班牙biomaGUNE研究中心 Luis Liz-Marzán教授、美国宾夕法尼亚大学化学系Christopher B. Murray教授等领域内多个院士团队保持着紧密的合作。课题组成员在学期间有机会赴海外开展学术交流和访问。

1. 胶体的可控合成、组装及其机理的研究

2. 基于胶体自组装体系的新颖性质和功能的研究

3. 先进多维透射电镜技术和重构算法的开发



代表性研究成果 1同等贡献,*通讯作者

1. D. Wang1 , T. Dasgupta1, E. B. van der Wee1, D. Zanaga, T. Altantzis, Y. Wu, G. M. Coli, C. B. Murray, S. Bals, M. Dijkstra* and A. van Blaaderen*, “Binary Icosahedral Clusters of Hard Spheres in Spherical Confinement”, Nature Physics, 2021, 17, 128-134. Highlighted by Nanowerk, University of Antwerp, Utrecht University. 

2. D. Wang1, * , M. Hermes1, S. Najmr, N. Tasios, A. G-Carbonell, Y. Liu, S. Bals, M. Dijkstra, C. B. Murray,  and A. van Blaaderen*, “Structural Diversity in Three-Dimensional Self-Assembly of Nanoplatelets by Spherical Confinement”,  Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 6001. Highlighted as one of the most interesting articles by the Nat. Commun. Editor in Applied Physics and Mathematics.

3. D. Wang1, *, E. B. van der Wee1, Y. Wu, D. Zanaga, T. Altantzis, T. Dasgupta, M. Dijkstra, C. B. Murray, S. Bals and A. van Blaaderen*. “Quantitative 3D Real-space Analysis of Laves Phase Supraparticles”, Nature Communications, 2022, 12, 3980. Highlighted as one of the most interesting articles by the Nat. Commun. Editor in Materials science and Chemistry.

4. D. Wang1, *, M. Hermes1, R. Kotni, S. Y. Wu, N. Tasios, Y. Liu, B.de Nijs, E. B. van der Wee, C. B. Murray, M. Dijkstra and A. van Blaaderen*, “Interplay between Spherical Confinement and Particle Shape on the Self-Assembly of Rounded Cubes”, Nature Communication, 9, 2228. Highlighted as one of the most interesting articles by the Nat. Commun. Editor in Inorganic and Physical Chemistry; Highlighted by a Review article in Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 2001068.

5. J. Mosquera1, D. Wang1, S. Bals*, L. Liz-Marzán*. “Surfactants Layers on Gold Nanorods”, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2023, 56, 1204-1212.

6. D. Jishkariani1, Y. Wu1, D. Wang1, Y. Liu, A. van Blaaderen and C. B. Murray*. “Preparation and Self-assembly of Dendronized Janus Fe3O4-Pt and Fe3O4-Au Heterodimers”, ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 7958-7966.

7. T. Altantzis1, D. Wang1 A. Kadu1, A. van Blaaderen and S. Bals*. “Optimized 3D Reconstruction of Large, Compact Assemblies of Metallic Nanoparticles” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125, 26240. Invited Article.
