
2024-03-19 16:20:00   来源:    点击:


张振  副研究员 




张振,华南先进光电子研究院副研究员,华南师范大学研究生院副院长,借调周口师范任校长助理,华东理工大学广东校友会副会长,中国化学会纤维素专业委员会会员,广州市青年科技工作者协会材料与化学专委会副主任,ACS Sustainable Resource Management青年编委。本科毕业于华东理工大学,华东理工大学和瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学硕士学位,加拿大滑铁卢大学和法国波尔多大学博士学位,滑铁卢大学博士后,曾在宝洁任管理培训生和供应链经理。






获批广东省青年提升项目、面上项目、科技部高端外国专家引进计划、广东省高校重点领域专项等各类纵横向项目20余项;在Advanced Functional Materials,Chemical Engineering Journal, Carbohydrate Polymers, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering发表一作和通讯作者学术论文41篇,论文被引用超过3000次,H指数31;以第一发明人授权专利10项。指导学生获得 “挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛银奖、 “挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 “揭榜挂帅”专项赛终国家级三等奖等各类创新创业大赛奖20余项,指导的硕士生中有4人获得国家奖学金,荣获华师学生课外学术科技与创新创业活动优秀指导教师、“我最喜爱的导师”、人才培养先进个人、暑期社会实践活动优秀指导老师等。



2014.05 ~ 2017.09  博士 滑铁卢大学(加拿大)

2014.05 ~ 2017.09  博士 波尔多大学(法国)

2009.09 ~ 2012.04  硕士 华东理工大学

2009.09 ~ 2012.04  硕士 查尔姆斯理工大学(瑞典)

2005.09 ~ 2009.07  学士 华东理工大学



2024.03 ~ 2025.03            周口师范学院 校长助理(借调)

2021.05 ~ 至今       华南师范大学研究生院 副院长

2018.12 ~ 至今      华南师范大学华南先进光电子研究院 副研究员

2017.10 ~ 2018.12    滑铁卢大学 博士后

2012.06 ~ 2013.08    宝洁有限公司 管理培训生



2024.11 ~ 至今   广州市青年科技工作者协会材料与化学专委会 副主任  

2024.08 ~ 至今  华东理工大学广东校友会

2024.01 ~ 至今   ACS Sustainable Resource Management期刊 青年编委 

2022.10 ~ 至今   中国化学会纤维素专业委员会 委员 



2024     第十一届“挑战杯”华南师范大学学生课外学术科技作品竞赛决赛,二等奖

2024      第十九届“挑战杯” “揭榜挂帅”专项赛终,三等奖

2024      第十七届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,二等奖

2024      第十四届“挑战杯”广东大学生创业计划竞赛,铜奖,

2024      华南师范大学中国国际大学生创新大赛(2024),银奖

2024      华南师范大学中国国际大学生创新大赛(2024),银奖

2023      第十三届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛,国家级银奖

2022      第十三届“挑战杯”广东大学生创业计划竞赛,银奖

2022      第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛广东分赛高教主赛道,铜奖

2022      第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,华南师范大学,金奖

2022      第一届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创业大赛,二等奖

2022      第一届“创青春”中国青年碳中和创新创业大赛华南赛区创新组,银奖

2021      第九届“挑战杯”华南师范大学学生创业计划竞赛,金奖

2021      第七届华炬杯创新创业大赛优胜奖

2021      第八届粤港澳台大学生创新创业大赛优胜奖

2021      第三届“青远杯”创新创业大赛华南师范大学师生专场,一等奖

2021      第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛华南师范大学高教主赛道金奖

2021      第四届“时代中国杯”研究生创新创业大赛创新组,二等奖



2024      华南师范2023年人才培养工作先进个人

2023      华南师范大学第六届我最喜爱的导师

2023      华南师范大学学生课外学术科技与创新创业活动优秀指导教师












1)        Qiang Wei, Wang Sun, Zhe Zhang, Guofu Zhou, Zhen Zhang*. High thermal conductive and photothermal phase change material microcapsules via cellulose nanocrystal stabilized Pickering emulsion for solar harvesting and thermal energy storage. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2025, 284, 138162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.138162

2)        Lili Li#, Xiaojing Wang#, Yali Hu, Wang Sun, Yugao Ding, Nisha He, Guofu Zhou, Zhen Zhang*. Cellulose Nanocrystal-Immobilized Lipase for Pickering Interface Biocatalysis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2024https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=54c5c088cc7fdd1956a7035fd88a6ec0

3)        Wang Sun#, Zhe Zhang#Zhen Zhang*, Nisha He*, Qiang Wei, Liu Feng, Zhenghao Wang, Jie Wu, Can Liu*, Shiyu Fu, Yelin Hou, Gilles Sèbe and Guofu Zhou. Photothermal phase change material microcapsules via cellulose nanocrystal and graphene oxide co-stabilized Pickering emulsion for solar and thermal energy storage. Science China Materials 2024, 67(10): 2335-3235. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=0571b1da7658dfb22db4de4ae083119f

4)        Zhen Zhang#*, Yousen Xu#, Tongye Ma, Gilles Sèbe*, Yue Niu*, Yilong Wang, Biao Tang*, Guofu Zhou. Bio-based interfacial solar steam generator. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2024, 203: 114787. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=400c0b2f97778a2d138a865953717f20

5)        Yelin Hou, Zhen Zhang*, Simon Harrisson, Gilles Sèbe*. SI-ATRP grafting of polymers from polydopamine-modified cellulose nanocrystals. Carbohydrate Polymers 2024, 341, 122346. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=f408812ac339d6c26b91ba11a44dc451

6)        Xuancheng Liu, Xiaoling Wei, Zhen Zhang*, Xin Wang, Guihua Liu, Dan Luo* and Jingde Li*. Design of Defect-Rich MgCo-Layered Double Hydroxide Microspheres as Highly Effective Sulfur Reduction Reaction Electrocatalyst for High-Performance Li-S Batteries. Renewables 2024, 2, 162-170. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=73a419540be8482cd47f7b62bcbbadc4

7)        Jingyang Ren, Hanchen Lin, Yu Zhang, Xun Li, Zhen Zhang*, Chaoqun You*, Fei Wang*. The chitosan/cellulose nanocrystal cross-linked carriers effectively encapsulate ursolic acid to enhance the delivery of bioactive natural products. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 2024, 97, 105687. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=2905e08c80bac984fa70a66bd6a6f0b7

8)        Junyi Lin, Zhen Zhang*, Xiaoming Lin, Xiujie Cai, Shiyu Fu*, Xiong Fang, Yugao Ding, Xiuli Wang*, Gilles Sèbe, Guofu Zhou. All Wood-Based Water Evaporation-Induced Electricity Generator. Advanced Functional Materials. 2024, 34, 2314231. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=2d4c4ceaf8c68dd96ef5bcf168424860

9)        Lidong Chen, Jin Wu, Gaojian Zhu, Chao Liu, Tingting Xu, Liulian Huang, Weibing Wu, Jiaqi Guo, Huining Xiao, Hongqi Dai, Chen Huang*, Zhen Zhang*, Huiyang Bian*. Comparison of hydrophobic cellulose nanofibrils modified with different diisocyanates for circulating oil absorption. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2024, 258, 129107. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=4324f14a6443a25b0a15c61163ed82b5

10)     Shihao Wang, Yungeng Qi, Shasha Wang, Guihua Yang, Junlong Song*, Zhen Zhang*, Huining Xiao, and Jiaqi Guo*. Coassembling Hydroxypropyl Cellulose into a Chiral Nematic Composite and Patternization with a Photomask and Direct Ink Writing. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2023, 5, 11, 9642–9649. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=f9f0522420933165b94b14c701693123

11)     Zhen Zhang#*, Mengqiu Zhong#, Haosheng Xiang, Yugao Ding, Yilong Wang, Yijing Shi*, Guang Yang*Biao Tang, Kam C. Tam, Guofu Zhou. Antibacterial polylactic acid fabricated via Pickering emulsion approach with polyethyleneimine and polydopamine modified cellulose nanocrystals as emulsion stabilizers. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023, 253, 127263. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=665059dafda1a68da6782557b19d490a

12)     Yugao Ding#, Liu Feng#, Zhe Zhang, Sihao Zhang, Xuelian Zhang, Yingzhan Li*, Xiong Fang, Xiaowen Hu, Xiaojing Wang, Kam Chiu Tam, Guofu Zhou, Zhen Zhang*. Lignocellulose Nanoparticles Extracted from Cattle Dung as Pickering Emulsifiers for Microencapsulating Phase Change Materials. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2023, 11(38), 14255–14266. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=f77e60879347badc9fc8ccb228343647

13)     Zhen Zhang#*, Xiaoming Lin#, Junyi Lin, Nana Liu, Bolin Wan, Xiong Fang, Lingling Shui*, Yingzhan Li, Kam C. Tam, Jin Huang*, Guofu Zhou. Cellulose supported and strengthened shear stiffening gel with enhanced impact-resistant performance. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 473, 145435. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=483303a1d23800fc5bf04e2124180df7

14)     Wenhui Wang, Zhenping Pan, Zhen Zhang*; Yihua Zhu, Jianhua Shen*. Carbon Aerogels Loaded with Noble Metal Nanocrystal Electrocatalysts for Efficient Full Water Splitting. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2023, 6, 13, 12150–12158. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=7cab5c0005001c8517d714e9afc2712d

15)     Bolin Wan; Nana Liu; Zhen Zhang*; Xiong Fang; Yugao Ding; Haosheng Xiang; Yunqing He; Mingxian Liu*; Xiaoming Lin; Juntao Tang*; Yingzhan Li; Biao Tang; Guofu Zhou. Water-dispersible and stable polydopamine coated cellulose nanocrystal-MXene composites for high transparent, adhesive and conductive hydrogels. Carbohydrate Polymers 2023, 314, 120929. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=18fa70cab269129865a29963a4f211df

16)     Nana Liu, Bolin Wan, Zhen Zhang*, Xiong Fang, Xiaoming Lin, Yilong Wang, Juntao Tang*, Xiaoxia Bai*, Yingzhan Li, Yao Yao*, Guofu Zhou. Self-healing waterborne polyurethane coatings with high transparence and haze via cellulose nanocrystal stabilized linseed oil Pickering emulsion. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023, 235, 123830. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=1cf4c6afc9ec2fcc63e17245b4ce0069

17)     Jiayan Liu, Nana Liu, Gu Li, Yuqi Wang, Zhen Wang*, Zhen Zhang*, Dongdong Xu, Yue Jiang, Xingsen Gao, Xubing Lu, Shien-Ping Feng, Guofu Zhou*, Jun-ming Liu, Jinwei Gao*. Cinnamate-Functionalized Cellulose Nanocrystals as Interfacial Layers for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15, 1348-1357. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=f47b44801131dfd24cc88713da230e6c

18)     Yousen Xu, Biao Tang*, Xiong Fang, Tongye Ma, Dehai Yu*, Guofu Zhou, Zhen Zhang*. A Facile Approach to Fabricate Sustainable and Large-Scale Photothermal Polydopamine-Coated Cotton Fabrics for Efficient Interfacial Solar Steam Generation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2022, 61 (49), 18109-18120. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=386fa6627625d00b87649b470897774e

19)     Chengjie Li, Junxia Guo, Peikuan Xu, Wenjing Hu, Jin Lv, Bin Shi, Zhen Zhang*, Ruiguang Li*. Facile preparation of superior compressibility and hydrophobic reduced graphene oxide@cellulose nanocrystals/EPDM composites for highly efficient oil/organic solvent adsorption and enhanced electromagnetic interference shielding. Separation and Purification Technology 2022, 307, 122775. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=4c77be7342ac013c155f09144236b008

20)     Qiao Chen, Kunlei Mao, Yao Yao, Xianhe Huang*Zhen Zhang*. Nanodiamond/cellulose nanocrystals composite-based acoustic humidity sensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2022, 137, 132748. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=2a1b8352399b44429093190ba11c722a

21)     Minghui Guo, Peikuan Xu, Jin Lv, Chang Gong, Zhen Zhang*, Chengjie Li*. Engineering nanocellulose/graphene hybrid aerogel for form-stable composite phase change materials with high phase change enthalpy for energy storage. Diamond and Related Materials 2022, 109131. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=41846fc540c234d4d5de8862e70f2361

22)     Tian Chang, Bochu Wang, Dong Yuan*, Yilong Wang, Ivan Smalyukh*, Guofu Zhou, Zhen Zhang*Cellulose nanocrystal chiral photonic micro-flakes for multilevel anti-counterfeiting and identification. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 446, 136630. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=9dcd72751fd24c712c1b64c3d805ae6a

23)     Haosheng Xiang, Bochu Wang, Mengqiu Zhong, Wenguang Liu, Dehai Yu,* Yilong Wang, Kam C. Tam,* Guofu Zhou, and Zhen Zhang*Sustainable and Versatile Superhydrophobic Cellulose Nanocrystals. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2022, 10 (18), 5939-5948. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=61c1b3f2dad462c67682b3e73686b20b 封面Cover Page

24)     Yucheng Li, Dehai Yu*, Xiangyu Wang, Qian Wang, Zhen Zhang*, Wenxia Liu. Lauric arginate/cellulose nanocrystal nanorods-stabilized alkenyl succinic anhydride pickering emulsion: enhancement of stabilization and paper sizing performance. Cellulose 2022, 29 (6), 3253-3269. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=39983b72931d219d7a157562973455fe

25)     Qianqian Wang*, Simeng Liu, Jun Liu, Jianzhong Sun*, Zhen Zhang*, Qianqian Zhu*. Sustainable cellulose nanomaterials for environmental remediation - Achieving clean air, water, and energy: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers 2022, 119251. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=3f9d5867fcd346e0ad3a19078bf41705

26)     Tingjiao Yang, Dong Yuan*, Wei Liu, Zhe Zhang, Kaiyu Wang, Yuxin You, Huapeng Ye, Laurens T. de Haan, Zhen Zhang*, Guofu Zhou. Thermochromic Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Microcapsules with Cellulose Nanocrystals and a Melamine Resin Hybrid Shell. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 4588-4597. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=6ef4f025fc7d83d219e148348d4ecc4e

27)     Zhe Zhang, Zhen Zhang*, Tian Chang, Juan Wang, Xin Wang*, Guofu Zhou*. Phase change material microcapsules with melamine resin shell via cellulose nanocrystal stabilized Pickering emulsion in-situ polymerization. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 428, 131164. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=d12532a98449b7b2f24a66b01e5b2ae5

28)     Jun Liu*, Yifei Shi, Lu Cheng, Jianzhong Sun*, Sujie Yu, Xuechu Lu, Santosh Biranje, Wenyang Xu, Xinyu Zhang, Junlong Song, Qianqian Wang, Wenjia Han, Zhen Zhang*. Growth factor functionalized biodegradable nanocellulose scaffolds for potential wound healing application. Cellulose 2021, 28 (9), 5643-5656. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=d294fb42a29835f773b76f8cf1d7af44

29)     Zhen Zhang*, Gilles Sèbe*, Yelin Hou, Juan Wang, Jin Huang*, Guofu Zhou*. Grafting polymers from cellulose nanocrystals via surface‐initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021, 51458.  https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=f4b33ebb892f6228d91844eaea3f52d7

30)     徐佑森张振*, 唐彪*, 周国富基于Ti3C2-MXene的太阳能界面水汽转换[J]. 化学进展, 2021, 33(11), 2033-2055. doi: 10.7536/PC200955. Yousen Xu, Zhen Zhang*, Biao Tang*, Guofu Zhou. Ti3C2-MXene for Interfacial Solar Steam Generation[J]. Progress in Chemistry, 2021, 33(11), 2033-2055. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=460fc67d1fd0ad7bafeecf2d9777fe1f

31)     Yao Yao*, Xianhe Huang, Qiao Chen, Zhen Zhang*, and Weiwei Ling. High Sensitivity and High Stability QCM Humidity Sensors Based on Polydopamine Coated Cellulose Nanocrystals/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite. Nanomaterials 2020, 10 (11), 2210. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=b6fd92eedb513f9ee03d597f6504e495

32)     Zhen Zhang, Gilles Sèbe*, Kam C. Tam* and Xiaosong Wang*. A comparative study on grafting polymers from cellulose nanocrystals via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and activator re-generated by electron transfer ATRP. Carbohydrate Polymers 2019, 205, 322-329. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=42f197a29b6a1fec79af811199983ee5

33)     Zhen Zhang, Boya Zhang, Nathan Grishkewich, Richard Berry, Kam C. Tam*. Cinnamate-Functionalized Cellulose Nanocrystals as UV-Shielding Nanofillers in Sunscreen and Transparent Polymer Films. Advance Sustainable Systems 2019, 1800156. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=dea3e32bf6bc6f1ebf7767475751aaee  封面Cover Page

34)     Zhen Zhang, Cheng, M.; Gabriel, M. S.; Teixeira Neto, ?. A.; da Silva Bernardes, J.; Berry, R.; Kam C. Tam*, Polymeric hollow microcapsules (PHM) via cellulose nanocrystal stabilized Pickering emulsion polymerization. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2019, 555, 489-497. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=4e9ea8f8698c9bdeacc6a5b93fe5a67a

35)     Boya Zhang#Zhen Zhang#*, Sparsh Kapar, Parinaz Ataeian, Juliana da Silva Bernardes, Richard Berry, Wei Zhao, Guofu Zhou and Kam C. Tam*. Microencapsulation of Phase Change Materials with Polystyrene/Cellulose Nanocrystal Hybrid Shell via Pickering Emulsion Polymerization. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019, 7 (21), 17756-17767.  https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=b74bc7caed70babfc6376efb63624a69

36)     Zhen Zhang, Kam C. Tam*, Xiaosong Wang*, and Gilles Sèbe*. Inverse Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Cinnamate Modified Cellulose Nanocrystals as Templates to Prepare Silica Colloidosomes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6(2), 2583–2590.  https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=7b974add1cd571b8964c958274ff6116

37)     Zhen Zhang, Gilles Sèbe*, Xiaosong Wang*, and Kam C. Tam*. UV-Absorbing Cellulose Nanocrystals as Functional Reinforcing Fillers in Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Films. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, 1(2), 632-641. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=62771bb261d3df271e3363becc8758d8

38)     Zhen Zhang, Gilles Sèbe*, Xiaosong Wang*, and Kam C. Tam*. Gold Nanoparticles Stabilized by Poly(4-Vinylpyridine) Grafted Cellulose Nanocrystals as Efficient and Recyclable Catalysts. Carbohydrate Polymers 2018, 182, 61-68. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=0d767000107323d27b0adab3313614b2

39)     Zhen Zhang, Kam C. Tam*, Gilles Sèbe*, and Xiaosong Wang*. Convenient characterization of polymers grafted on cellulose nanocrystals via SI-ATRP without chain cleavage. Carbohydrate Polymers 2018, 199, 603-609. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=523767f5cddb04c035a1854de72008be

40)     Qun Lei, Baoling Peng*, Kris King Yin Ma, Zhen Zhang*, Xiaosong Wang, Jianhui Luo, Kam Tam*. ARGET ATRP of triblock copolymers (PMMA-b-PEO-b-PMMA) and their microstructure in aqueous solution. ACS Omega 2018, 3 (11), 15996-16004. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=081e7db0617d3868a2c97f3810560fe4

41)     Zhen Zhang, Yihua Zhu, Xiaoling Yang, and Chunzhong Li. Preparation of azithromycin microcapsules by a layer-by-layer self-assembly approach and release behaviors of azithromycin. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2010, 362 (1-3), 135-139.
